Many many years ago I started down the instinctive archery route and was surprised how I’ve never really looked back.  I’ve always enjoyed getting out and shooting, but it’s not always just about hitting a target that matters.  It’s about how you do it that matters.  Being able to hit a 3D target bullseye from 2 yards with nothing but a bow, an arrow, and your eyes has an awesome feeling to it.

I know that when you start-up instinctive shooting of any kind that there’s a learning curve that you’ve got to get over.  In fact, it’s not too hard to get out there and make a one-off shot and think you got it.  That’s a piece of cake for most people.  If you want to be hitting tight groups of arrows over and over then I can help you with that too.

Check out the instinctive archery course to get good fast.

Tips for instinctive archery help

Shooting good doesn’t need to be extremely challenging and can be tailored to a person of any age and ability.  With that in mind, let’s focus on beginners and helping them out to get better results quicker.

Stand very close to the target.

Everyone wants to feel like Robin Hood, but you’ll FEEL BETTER if you learn to make a good shot at a very close range first.  Put the target about 7 to 10 feet away and no further.  There’s two really good reasons for this.  The first is that you’re more likely to hit the target and get closer to a bull’s eye each time.  The second is that you’re less likely to miss and that means you don’t have to go hunting for arrows or have them broken from hitting things.

Spend some time learning

I know it’s not the most fun, but even a short 10 minutes of instruction will go a very long way and make you a better shooter from the beginning.  I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s pretty funny to watch someone who has no knowledge pretend that they don’t need any help or instruction stand up with a bow and look like a Lego character with no arms.  Be okay with being a beginner.  You don’t have to spend weeks on end reading and watching videos, but a few minutes here and there will make you better and that means you’ll enjoy the sport and you’ll be more likely to stick with it if you’ve invested some time in yourself.

Buy extra arrows

Arrows are projectiles shot at a high-speed.  They break and parts on them break.  Plan on it.  Buy lots of arrows, not just 3, and when you’ve either lost or broken half of them in the first 20 minutes, you’ll thank me for helping you have a better experience.  Yes they can be expensive, but there’s a lot of different types of arrows out there.  You can easily go through tons of arrows if you’re shooting at too long of a distance or if you aren’t hitting the target properly.  The other tips I’ve mentioned will help you with all of this.  Seriously, buy extra arrows because you’ll want them, need them, and find you’ll shoot them all.

Have a bow release aid

Get a glove, tab, or anything to protect your drawing hand.  You will make your fingers hurt like crazy if you don’t take care of them.  This also goes for an arm guard to protect your forearm that’s holding the bow.  It’s going to get painful very quickly if you don’t start of protecting them from the beginning.  Sure you can take a few shots bare handed if you want, but if it’s more than 2 or 3, then you’ll want to protect your fingers.  It’ll let you shoot more and more often.

These few tips will go a long way to making sure that you have a much better shooting experience from the beginning in instinctive archery shooting.  You don’t have to listen to me, but you’ll have a better experience if you do.

I do offer an instinctive archery course that will help you shoot great very quickly.


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