The top reasons that you need to have the best archery target you can get your hands on is to protect your arrows, make sure the arrows get stopped, and has a long target life.  These sound simple and I’m sure that most targets will do this for a couple of arrows, but let’s say you shoot 10 arrows a day for a year.  That’s 3,650 arrows into one target every year!  Even if you shoot half that or less most targets that seem OK at first glance may not hold up to this level of use, especially if you want to shoot more than 10 arrows a day. Most of my acquaintances from backgrounds in archery and bow hunting agree that most of the time, you get what you pay for with targets. It is far better to buy a more premium target as your first archery target so that you can get used to shooting at the same target continuously, at the same time getting more mileage out of it and ultimately saving money.

best archery targets

Archery targets

First, a few tips on caring for your target.

  1. Sun and weather can make your target wear down much quicker. If you can’t put it somewhere covered, at least try to put a tarp on it.  That being said, a couple of weeks here and there in harsher elements shouldn’t have too much of an impact on your target if it is well made.
  2. Keep your archery targets away from pets or animals, especially dogs!  I learned that one by experience. I am amazed what can be done in one minute by two teething Labrador Retrievers.
  3. Don’t use broadheads when practicing with a target, broadheads are designed to tear and will greatly decrease the life of your target. Be sure to use practice arrowheads if possible.

Now on to the best archery targets

The 5 Best Archery Targets


The Bone Collector

The two big things with targets are stopping power and how easy it is to pull out your arrows.  This target does both very well.  It’s only made for target points, but don’t let that stop you because this block will hold up for years of use.  This one comes in white and yellow with different shoot able sides and faces.  I found the link for the yellow one.  This target is pretty big and heavy at 19 inches on each side and 32 pounds, you shouldn’t lose it.  Priced around $70-100, this is an excellent target.

Hurricane Archery Bag Target

Shoot the hurricane! This bag target does a great job of stopping arrows and letting you pull them out without much effort.  A bag target normally does better with a stand, but this one still seems to do very well on its own.  The burlap type material will eventually wear out, but it’s going to take a lot of use to get to that point.  The target has a set of deer vitals on the back to double the life of the target.  Priced around $50, you get a great target that should last for years.

Black B 20 Archery Target

This is the target that I use at home.  I love shooting the block.  This is a combination target which means that it can handle field points and broad heads.  You can shoot all 4 sides and the black and white gives you a nice high contrast to focus on.  The only downside is that these types of targets grip the arrow tighter to be able to handle broad heads.  Broadheads can even rip the foam out of the target, but they can do that to any target.  A solid target that will last for a very long time.  Priced around $115 -130, you get a great target for the money.

Field Logic Classic Block Target

A classic foam layered target that stops arrows through friction, this target has great stopping power.  This block is just a bit smaller and lighter than the others so if a heavy target is a problem, then this is the solution.  I originally started out shooting a foam layered target and have always had a good experience.  This one is no different.  If you’re shooting a heavyweight high-speed bow, this one might move a bit.  Priced around $70-200, this target works well for all ages

Rinehart broadhead target

Designed as a broadhead target, this block gives you 18 different spots to shoot at.  This one will grip your arrow very tightly to stop broadheads fast.  I love the angled corners because you need that if you’re going to be shooting from an elevated position.  A lot of people have gotten them with blurry painting so heads up.  This target does exactly what it was designed for, stopping broad heads.  Priced around $110-150 for an arrow stopping machine.

Shooting a good target makes archery more fun and enjoyable.  You’ll get more fun out of your time shooting when you have a target that stops your arrows, lasts a long time, and it’s easy to get your arrows back.