by Jackson | Sep 25, 2013 | Compound Bows
The Genesis bow is one of the most popular bows for young archers. For many, this is the product that bridges the gap from child’s toys to a real bow. I shot one of these when i was young and it was just as easy back then as it is now. I always recommend getting a kit when you’re getting your first real bow. It comes with everything needed to start shooting right out of the box. That’s why it makes an excellent gift.

Bow specifications
- Axle to Axle – 35.5″
- Brace Height – 7 1/2″
- Draw length – up to 30″
- Let off 0%
What’s included
- arrow shelf rest
- 5 aluminum arrows
- arm guard
- two paper targets
Not included
- bow sight
- stabilizer
- bow case
- release aid
Special notes
- comes in right and left hand options
- draw weight is changed with an Allen wrench
- comes in 6 different colors

Genesis bow kit – Lime
Most kids can handle this bow starting around 2nd to 3rd grade. You should adjust the draw weight for them too. It adjusts easily and you’ll have no problems using it between adults and kids. The bow is made of aluminum and can stand up to years of enjoyment. The 0% let off means that it acts like a traditional bow. This is so that you can use it at any draw length.
If you need any other recommendation, the National Archery in Schools program recommends this bow for kids and it’s because it’s sturdy, light, and will work for all shapes and sizes. You can always add-on other accessories to make the bow fit your needs better. I’m sure you can find another genesis bow kit review, but honestly they’ll all tell you how awesome it is.
Genesis Bow Kit, Right Handed, Blue Raspberry
by Jackson | Sep 13, 2013 | Compound Bows
For those who want to get a good compound at lower prices, you should definitely consider this package. You’ll find that PSE has taken a good bow and put together a package that lets you get going right away. Very little needs to be done other than a checkup with a bow shop to get your settings checked out and sighting it in.

Bow specifications
- Axle to Axle – 32.5″
- Brace Height – 7 1/8″
- Weight – 3.5 lbs
- Draw length – 21.0″ – 30.0″
- Arrow speed – 308-316 fps
What’s included
- Bow sight
- arrow rest
- 6 arrow quiver
- stabilizer
- peep sight
- nock
- sling
Not included
Special notes
- comes in right and left hand options
- comes in different draw weight ranges

What you get is a bow that is almost completely ready to shoot. The stinger line has been around for a long time and is known for being a rugged bow that will stand up to lots of use. It’s small and light weight make it a great choice when you have to carry it with you for a long time. There’s also a lot of rubber on this bow. You’ve got the stabilizer, limb dampener and a string dampener. All in all, it makes for a very light, fast, and durable bow that will get you started extremely fast.
You have aluminum risers and with the cam, you can adjust your draw length without having to take it into a bow shop. Lots of reviews online mention how quiet this bow is and that’s one thing you can be sure of. You aren’t going to hear much at all. The 75% let off helps you wait for that perfect moment and the smooth action helps you have better accuracy and tighter groups at all distances.
Here is the link for the PSE Stinger X 70 on Amazon so you can check it out.
PSE Stinger 3G RTS Review is brought to you by me. I don’t endorse any specific product, yet, and I didn’t receive this or any product for any kind of reimbursement. All words are my own.