by Jackson | Nov 25, 2013 | Reviews
The 5 best bow string silencers are all very good. I’ve put a few together that you’ll notice will work for a few different situations. The two main types of string silencers are going to be natural and synthetic. Both will normally work for a compound bow and a traditional bow. So lets dispense with the pleasantries and get on with it.

Mountain Man Beaver Balls
– Funny name, serious silence. These come in a pair so if you buy one pack, then you get two. These are natural so you might need to replace them as they wear out (all bow silencers do that by the way). Priced at $5-7. If you need help putting them on the bow, here’s a youtube video on
attaching a string silencer. It really starts at the $1.00 mark.
Bowrattler Standard String Silencer Black
– This silencer screws into your stabilize mounting hole in the riser. This means you have to check your bow and see if it has this mount on it. The only two downsides are that this only works if you’re mounting hole is lined up properly and you might also have to trim the sides if you have other strings too close. Priced at $20-25
Rubber Whisker Bow Silencers
– For a long name and a very low price you get one of the best value string silencers out there. These are very simple and come in a little sheet where you separate the strings. It very easy to install these and they always do the trick for me. I like them because you don’t get burrs stuck in them like you do some of the fuzzy silencers. Priced at $1-3
Ultra Bow Jax Silencer
– These rubber silencers help stop the string or cable from oscillating very well. They come with small zip ties to secure them in place. You get 4 in a pack and you will probably get a lot of use out of them. These are a great value for the money as well. Priced at $6-10
Traditional Leather Bow String Silencer
– These are made for traditional bows so I wouldn’t put it on a compound. You get a good value silencer and even though it looks simple, it works. These are simple and work effectively. Priced around $2-3
I think these are the best bow string silencers that you’ll find. You might have to get a specific one for some bows, but these will generally work for all bows and I definitely recommend a silencer. Not only does it make it quiet, but it reduces the vibrations that could irritate your own limbs
by Jackson | Aug 4, 2013 | Choosing a bow
It’s very important to choose the right bow strings for your bow. I say bow strings because the string is actually several strings put together. These strings make your bowstring last longer and help prevent the string from failing at one time, which could be horrible. Traditional bows are normally the ones with more bow-string problems. With compound bows, you have the same problems, but you can use different materials that last longer so you’re lucky.
Compound bow strings
The compound bow-string is going to consist of two different parts. You should have the cable that runs through the cams and is normally made of metal cable surrounded by rubber. The other part is the one that you pull back on. It will have the peep sight, silencers, serving, and clickers attached to it. This is the part that you want to be strong, wear and tear resistant, and as element proof as possible.
Always check the string before you begin shooting. It only takes a few seconds and can prevent bad things from happening. You are looking for very frayed or broken strings, worn loops around the string connection ends, and debris that could affect performance. If you need a replacement string, you can normally find one online or at a local Bowyer. Here is a replacement string for the Genesis Bow
Traditional bow strings

Traditional bows have a few more things to deal with. First, the bow itself must be made so that it can handle the kinds of strings. If you don’t know and you’re making the string, then stick with B-50 Dacron because it can be used on all bows. You can get strings made for your bow or you can make them yourself. If you want a replacement string, you’ll need to know the AMO of your bow. The AMO is not the length of the bow, it is the lengths of the string plus 3 inches. Sadly, this is a guide and not always the right string for your bow. If you’re buying the string, take your bow and try putting on a few of the strings to see which works best. Also, don’t forget that the strings will stretch up to a couple of inches possibly.
There are many different materials for bow strings and they offer different features. Dacron is good for all bows, but it’s slower and can wear out if not maintained well. Fastflight is also popular. It is thinner, stronger, and is faster but this means that it puts more stress on the bow. Only put it on a bow that is made for it, otherwise you could break the bow at the ends and that’s no fun. There are more materials for the strings, but these are the two most popular.
I’ll go over making your own bow-string in another article, but if you’re getting started I like to go with the motto of “keep things simple.” You’ll have a lot more fun if you just get the bow-string you need so that you can get out and go shooting.