It’s time to get serious about getting a compound bow. I’ve been really looking to the best compound bow packages out there. There are lots of great options and I almost feel like I could just close my eyes and pick and I’d do alright, but I don’t want just a “good” bow. Nope, I want the “best” and I think that’s the way it should be. After all, there are tons of super smart people making these things and I sure don’t mind benefiting from all their hard work.
I’m not going to rank these because they’re all really good and will fit each person a little different. But, throwing all that aside, I’m going to look for the durability, quality of the bow, and quality of the accessories to come up with what I think are the best compound bow packages. There’s no point in getting a bow package if you’re going to have to turn right around and buy parts to replace the accessories. So that’s a bit of what I’m looking for.
I’ll put a link to the products to go where I found a good deal on it so you can check it out for yourself and read the reviews and what not there. I’m also a big fan of getting plenty of information, so that’s why I do that.
Just so you know, none of these bows come with arrows. None of the adult ready to shoot systems come with arrows so don’t expect it. The bow package is only the bow and it’s accessories that are attached to the bow. You’ll have to get your own arrows and if you want some help, then here are some of the best carbon arrows.
Best compound bow packages
Infinite Edge Bow Package
– The amazing versatility of this bow is so cool. It can literally be set to work for almost every single person out there. It’s only missing a stabilizer and bow sling, but neither of these are necessary to have a great shooting experience. I’d recommend checking this one out for sure. I didn’t rank these, but I might put this in the top two. The accessories are good for a bow in this price range. You can always upgrade if you want. Priced around $320-350, I like it a lot.
Bear Archery Apprentice Bow Package – The perfect Ready to Shoot system for anyone getting a first real bow or someone with a smaller stature. The max draw length is 27″, but don’t let that stop you from thinking this isn’t the real deal. The only accessory it doesn’t come with is a stabilizer and bow sling, which isn’t a big deal at all. Priced around $250-290, you can do lots of growing with this bow.
PSE Ready To Shoot Surge Bow Package 
– This is another one of my favorites. Packed with all the features you’d need and the replacement to the very successful Brute series, you’ll find that this lighter version packs all the punch you need and an adjustable draw length out to 30″ makes sure it will fit almost everyone. The accessories are good and you get all the things you’d need. All that’s left to get are arrows and you’re ready to go. Priced around $475-500, you’ll get everything you need.
PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger – One of the RTS systems that showed me the light. This bow package is a great lower budget bow that packs lots of punch and delivers with good accessories to make for a good shooting experience right out of the box. Priced around $320-400, it’s a very good and solid shooting platform.
Diamond Archery Carbon Cure RAK Package
– This compound bow package has two great features. First, the bow is adjustable over a good range to let you tailor it to your needs. The second is the accessories are pretty good with this bow. You get a 3 pin sight, whisker biscuity rest, stabilizer, peep sight, and bow sling which means you’ve got everything you need to start shooting good groups from the beginning. The whisker biscuit style rest isn’t the best one ever, but it is pretty solid. Priced around $550, you do get a complete system.
These are the best compound bow packages for beginners and experienced shooters. Most of the ones that are being made now have the amazing adjust-ability built-in to help them fit each person and increase their skill with little to no effort. How’s that for an awesome experience.
The last note I want to make about these bows. You can always find better pieces and accessories if you put together your own bow from scratch. I’m interested in finding the best bow that you don’t have to go find extra parts or replace things from the beginning. None of these are perfect, but these are all very very good and should definitely be given a look to see which will work best for you.
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