by Jackson | Feb 23, 2015 | Archery Education
Doesn’t it always seem like there’s a tiny piece of equipment that you need to get for your bow, but for some crazy reason, they don’t have it anywhere near you? It’s not always the case and there are normally good archery shops for “most” of the different archery things you could want, but what about when you’re trying to do something different or you want to build a bow.
Where do I find archery supplies?
I know from personal experience that it can really feel like a challenge to go look for all the little parts that can go on a bow and so I just wanted to put together a small list of some ideas and places you can go to find archery supplies near you.
Search the internet correctly
Since I’ve been able to spend plenty of time working on this website, I’ve learned a fair amount about searching online. Sometimes it’s as easy as just knowing the right words to look for.
Instead of typing into a Google search “archery store” you could try typing in something more general such as “sporting goods store” or “outdoor store.” You have to remember that when you’re using a search engine to find parts, to try and search for it in their terms and not yours. I know it’s pretty annoying and downright stupid at times, but ultimately it’s just a machine and you kinda have to work it to get the right results.
The place I normally start is at Amazon, and then I go from there. There are lots of good websites to go to and some sketchy ones. I like using Amazon because there is a seller feedback tool so you can see how that particular seller does business. It’s not perfect, but it’s a million times better than going blindly.
There are only 4 other places that I go really. Mostly to look but here ya go.
- 3 Rivers Archery – Hands down the best for any traditional items you need
- Cabela’s – An amazing supply of choices and information, they have great reviewers
- Bass Pro Shop – They normally have a great selection as well
- Gander Mountain – A little smaller, but much more dedicated to the outdoors
So that’s my list and ideas for looking for archery supplies online.
Look locally
Don’t forget that you can always find a hunting or fishing shop locally that will have lots of options and choices. It’s a much better thing when you need to actually try something out before you buy it. Most of the shop owners are pretty helpful too so they can order special parts for you. They can’t get everything, but they normally can find a really good substitute if they don’t offer exactly what you’re looking for.
The other part of looking for archery supplies is that sometimes you’ll just either have to change what you wanted or make it yourself. It’s perfectly okay to change your mind and try something else and it’s also perfectly fine if you decide that you want to make your own change and build something yourself.
Anyways, I hope that this helps you in your hunt for the right archery supplies for you.
by Jackson | Feb 17, 2015 | How to
I bet you’ve just come off a good winter and your covered in snow and waiting for all the melting to happen. Well, what are you going to do once all that snow is gone. Bowhunting season is a long way off and it’ll be a while before it’s coming around again. So what else is going on for the rest of the year. You don’t want to be stuck doing nothing all year round and only get to go shoot for a few short months out of the year.
Let me introduce you to the rest of the year in archery and tell you a bit about all the different things that are going to be going on.
Archery Clubs
All year round, there are going to be people meeting up at archery clubs and shooting. This is one of the easiest ways to keep shooting and to have fun and hang out with other people during the rest of the year. You’ll also be able to find out about any other things going on in your area, especially if it’s something that just happens near where you live and not anywhere else.
There are archery tournaments of many different kinds throughout the year.
Olympic archery is indoors and you don’t need to worry about the weather to go shoot at one of these. They do have special rules and it does have a season so check to see if there is an olympic archery shooting event near you.
3D tournaments are my personal favorite just behind shooting for fun at a club. These go on all over the place all over the country. There is a round of shooting, maybe 18 targets, and then you go shoot them a second time. These are a blast because you get to try new shooting poses the entire time and it’s always in a fun spot. I’ve helped in running these, but it sure is nice when you can go to one and just pay the entry cost. It’s a lot less work, but still lots of fun.
Click here to search for 3D shoots
Pick a different hunt
If you’re a hunter, you can always choose to go hunting for something different. If it isn’t deer season, then try going hog hunting or bow fishing. There aren’t seasons for either of those. You can always check out your state parks and wildlife website to get a list of hunting seasons as well as those animals that do not have a season at all.
I just want you to realize that there is always something to do in archery. You’re really only limited by the amount of time and effort you want to put into it. If you don’t want to do anything, then you won’t do anything. On the other hand, if you really want to do something, then you’ll make it happen.
Shoot straight
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by Jackson | Feb 9, 2015 | Reviews
I’m a huge supporter of taking care of your equipment. This means that you need to get the best broadhead case you can to take care of your arrows and broadheads. These things are super sharp and you don’t want them to accidentally cut someone. That would be an awful thing to happen.
You’re going to have to keep your broadheads somewhere. You might as well just put them into a case that will protect them and keep them safe from damage and accidentally hurting others. Most of these cases are really cheap and what you get is easily worth the price. Seriously, how about no cut fingers for $7. Not a bad deal is it?
The Best Broadhead Cases
MTM Broadhead Box (Clear)
– Probably the best box for the money. At about $6 you get a box that can hold up to 16 broadheads. The case also has a clear lid so that you can see what’s in it and make sure everything is good with only a glance. The only thing you need to be aware of is to make sure that your broadheads will fit before you buy. At 2.7″ most broadheads will fit, but be sure to measure yours to make sure.
Rage Cage Broadhead Case (Holds-6), Red
– This case is specifically designed for Rage mechanical broadheads, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used for other ones that also fit the same dimensions. This case is a solid and nice small package that protects your arrow heads. It is made to fit the specific rage broadheads so if you want to try a different broadhead, be sure to check dimensions to see if it will fit. Priced around $9, it’s a good price either way.
Plano Archery Accessory Box (Camo)
– A toolbox that will hold all of your arrow accessories including broadheads, this case features a tray that lifts out and has a foam insert to securely hold your broadheads. You’ll be able to fit more than just broadheads in this box which makes it easier to keep everything you’ll need. Especially if you are using over size broadheads or need to keep extra gear together. Priced around $19, it’s a good deal.
MTM Arrow Plus Case (36 Arrows, Black)
– While not only a broadhead case, many arrow cases have a section for broadheads and that’s a nice feature in this arrow case. It’s made for up to 36 arrows and has compartments to hold extra gear, like broadheads. You can put the broadheads in as it is, or you can put your broadhead box in this case. Priced around $32-35, it’s a great way to keep all your arrrows and accessories together.
Plano Broadhead Box
– This broadhead box is really handy becuase it features the benefits of a larger box with a handle and liftout tray, but for a much smaller assembly. It has space for your broadheads and then has a tray that goes on top that you can put in other parts and accessories. If you had large broadheads, then you could just takeout the tray if you needed. Priced around $8, it’s a great value price.
I hope that you’ll seriously consider protecting your gear. If you protect your gear it will help protect you. I’m not selling any of these, but I am trying to help you stay safe and enjoy all the different aspects of archery. The products are linked to Amazon so that you can look at all the other reviews and decide which one is best for you. The links are affiliate links and if you choose to make a purchase, then I will make a small commission but this won’t change the price and the profit will go to helping make this site a better and more useful resource.
by Jackson | Feb 2, 2015 | Archery Education
A wonderful and mighty topic. The weather can play a huge effect in your outdoor time. If you’ve spent a fair amount of time outside, then you’ll definitely agree with me that the weather affects archery. I’m not really going to teach you something that you don’t already know, but it is good to go over some basic ideas so that you’re aware how things will affect your gear and shooting performance.
How the weather affects your equipment
Most people who are going to have an issue with the weather and their equipment are going to be those using traditional bows. Wood and most other natural compounds will react with the weather. That’s not saying that some parts of the bow will react different on compounds as well. The most notable for both will be the bow string. You want to be sure and keep your bow string waxed to prevent any moisture getting on it.
If you have a traditional bow, and you’re in a different weather condition than normal, then you want to slowly warm up the bow and see if you think it will handle the weather. If you don’t think it will, then just don’t shoot that day. That can be a small downside to bad weather for traditional bows.
Your arrow will be affected very strongly by wind and water. These two things will do the most to your arrow and can really knock it off course. The only other thing that will do that a lot is if you hit something like a branch, but that’s not really weather now is it? It might be worth doing some warming up and test shooting to see how your stuff is affected that day. The weight of your arrow and how it’s set up will also affect how things turn out as well.
Weather affects you too
You are the other part of the shooting ensemble, so don’t forget that you need to pay attention to what you’re wearing and the condition that it puts you in.
Being dry and warm is nice, but that’s not always the case and being prepared and having the right gear can really help you perform at your best when you need to.
Being still in icy conditions for a long time like you might experience while hunting can also seriously impact your ability so you can either not shoot or practice these skills at another time and place, but in similar circumstances to help you practice so you can do the best when you need to.
Weather is an inevitable part of being outside and being prepared for it is the best thing you can do. You can’t change the weather, but you can change how you deal with it.
Shoot straight
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by Jackson | Jan 26, 2015 | Reviews
Now that hunting season has come to a close, many archers are figuring they’re done for a while. Say it isn’t so. Let me introduce you to bowfishing if you’ve never heard of it. Fishing with a bow. Talk about a perfect marriage of two awesome things.
There are some rules and regulations for bowfishing so make sure what you can shoot in your state. Typically it’s anything except the main game fish so most people go for carp, gar, stingrays, or anything that likes to be close to the surface or shallow water. To get you started fast, here are some of the best bowfishing kits that you can just pickup and go with. Since it’s getting to be that time of year, I’ll be doing a bit more writing on bowfishing, so heads up.
Some of the best Bowfishing kits
PSE Discovery Bowfishing Package
– This is a complete ready to go kit that comes with higher quality accessories you’ll actually want including a good reel, line, arrows with tips, and a rest. The 30″ max draw length and a constant 40lbs draw weight help it for snap shooting. A very solid deal and priced around $299 to $330 for a great set from the beginning. There is also a 29lbs version if needed.
Arrow Precision Frenzy Bowfishing Set
– This is a lightweight ready to shoot package that has all you need to shoot from the get go. The roller rest is great for bowfishing and the only couple improvements could be changing to a reel and a beefy serving on the string. This bow has a constant draw of 40lbs out to 31# and includes 30 yards of 80lb line to bag your trophy. Priced around $190 to 220, you’ll get all you need to start.
PSE Tidal Wave Bowfishing Package – This kit is a top of the line setup focusing on lightweight, snap style shooting, and hitting the ground running without the need to consider upgrades. You’ve got an AMS reel setup, arrows, line, and rest. It has an adjustable max draw of 30″ if you need to set it shorter and a constant 40lb draw weight. Priced around $390 to $420 it’s probably the best bowfishing kit to start with.
Martin Saber Takedown Bow Fishing Kit
– This recurve bow kit packs all you need into one package and offers a good value and price for everything you need to get started. You’ll get the vibration dampened handle and smooth shot with this system. The kit comes with it’s own case, arrows, spool, and it’s ready to go. It does have a plastic tab arrow rest that you might want to upgrade. Priced around $199 to $215, it’s a great starter kit.
PSE Kingfisher Bowfishing Kit
– The Kingfisher is a recurve bow that comes in three different weights of 40, 45, and 50 and includes all the things you’ll need to shoot right out of the box. It features a snap shot rest, arrow, line spool, and 5o ft of 80 lb line. It can have a bit of vibration, but that’s an easy fix. It’s a very solid bow and will deliver great results. Priced around $140 to $180 it’s a great choice for those on a budget.
These are 5 great choices to help you find what the best bowfishing kits would be for you. As always, I linked them to Amazon so you can check out all the reviews and options for yourself. It never hurts to read some reviews.
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